Weekly Programming

Welcome to the Achilles Cycle!

This 6 week cycle will begin to transition all of our raw power development in the big lifts and power variation weightlifting from “Zeus Cycle”’ into more technical and positional focused strength in the full snatch, full clean, and jerk. 

Programming Approach: Throughout this cycle you will see a high focus on the front squat and on weightlifting percentages. We’ve built an incredible foundation of strength and explosiveness, and now it’s time to fold it into its most direct applications in the snatch and clean & jerk. You will see isolated weightlifting sessions throughout the course of this cycle with the ideal of rotating between the Snatch and Clean + Jerk Bi-Weekly, but also with some specific Jerk sessions, Overhead Squat and/or Snatch Balance sessions in order to make sure we are really developing our positions and technique in a well rounded manner. We will also be doing isolated gymnastics skill sessions to develop comfort with higher skill movements, in addition to bodybuilding and strict gymnastics work twice per week in our accessories or within the strength pieces in order to improve our raw gymnastics capacity and structural strength. 

Our challenge for you guys is to use this cycle as a time of refinement in the two major lifts, and to focus on hitting crisp and consistent percentages with your weightlifting each week. We will also continue plyometric & agility work to improve overall athleticism, hip extension, and body control. Our conditioning pieces will have a bias towards interval style work in order to refine and develop multiple aspects of our fitness. The goal throughout each week and the cycle is to keep things well rounded from short intense style sprint workouts to long grindy chipper style workouts. 

Programming Goals:

-Establish a new 1RM Front Squat, Clean & Jerk, and Snatch

-Build a base of strength and technique with skilled gymnastics movements

-Improve power & threshold output in interval style workouts and monostructural work

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