We are now into Week 4 of the PRVN Achilles Cycle. With that, our progressions will get a little heavier, we will get more specific to the specific goals of the cycle and you will see slight shifts in workout style as we increase the density a bit in the final 3 weeks here towards test week. A note that our testing phase will be the week leading into the Games and the week of the Games and we will be implementing classic CrossFit Benchmarks as well as some key workouts from years past that are specific to PRVN. I will have a little write-up on the flow and style of these two weeks, but last year we all had a lot of fun with some good Benchmark testing and refocus before going back into a longer 10 week cycle to follow, starting the 12th of August.
This week will start things off with a Heavy Front Squat single at 92% as we move towards establishing a 1RM at the end of the cycle. We will hit a fun and challenging couplet of Burpee Pull-Ups and multiple squatting movements as the conditioning piece paired with the heavy Front Squat day. On Tuesday we will tackle some interval conditioning, targeting upper body density. Wednesday we will move things into a very simple and effective day with some Heavy Squat Cleans before circling into an EMOM couple of Thruster and Toe to Bar, targeting midline stamina. Thursday brings us around to our Push Press progression building to a heavy 4 on the day before hitting a fun E3MOM x 4 workout with the goal of completing with minimal rest between sets. Then Friday finishes off the work week with a Leg Stamina chipper centered around running endurance and pacing.
We will start the weekend off with a pumpy style partner triplet in a very classic CrossFit format that should get athletes jamming into the weekend. Then we will finish things off with a barbell conditioning focused workout of Power Cleans, Deadlifts, GHD Sit-Ups and Bar Facing Burpees.
As always our competitor work is meant to line-up and mesh with the current weekly programming. We build this off our PRVN Compete track and build a cohesive week that targets all components of our fitness in order to keep athletes progressing and moving towards their goals with local comps, qualifiers, or even Semifinals and the Games. The structure of how to tackle your day is written in and adjusted to usually suit 2 training sessions built around managing work / life challenges.