Weekly Programming 2-8

We are getting into Week 4 of the Hercules Cycle. We are excited to see all of the excitement and fun building in the community around the Weekly Challenges, tests, and progressions we have been laying out. The goal here with the next two weeks will be to keep building and progression in our loads and skill work before a minor deload and then into the later half of this cycle before our re-test phase and transition phase through the holiday season. Here are the finer points and outline of what we are tackling for the week. 

Weightlifting / Strength: 

  • Monday: Snatch Complex + Overhead Squat (Working on the Progressions building over the cycle to a new 3RM Hang Squat Snatch) 
  • Wednesday: Deadlift Progression with the goal of building loads over the course of 4 sets for the day with added barbell conditioning to the mix as added accessory and posterior chain focus. 
  • Friday: Bench Press (Heavy 3, Plus Drop Set of 5 for Absolute strength and hypertrophy) 

Gymnastics Skill Development: 

  • Monday: Toe to Bar, Light touches
  • Tuesday: Ring Muscle-Up Progressions (Sub Today will be Feet Elevated Ring Rows and Ring Dips as opposed to the Pull-Ups today as we are getting into strict pull-ups on Thursday. 
  • Thursday: Handstand Walk Skill Development and Strict Pull-Up Volume in the Conditioning Piece. 
  • Sunday: Handstand Push-Ups and Kipping Pull-Ups. 

Specific Metcon Focus Points: 

  • Tuesday’s 20:00 AMRAP: Wall Ball + RMU + Run 
  • Wednesday: Barbell Conditioning and Cycling with added fun on the Bike 
  • Friday: Row + Devils Press 2-2-2-3 Format
  • Saturday: Partner WOD Focused on Leg Stamina
  • Sunday: Hero WOD “Bradshaw” 

**This Weeks Special Challenge**

“Wall Supported Handstand Challenge”

8:00 AMRAP

Accumulated Time in Handstand Hold

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