Mobility Assessment

CrossFit Coorparoo Mobility Assessment crossfit coorparoo mobility assessment

Mobility and stability are the very foundation upon which your functional fitness is built. The integrity of this foundation can either limit your potential or be the building block that allows you to reach your highest level of potential. So how can you optimise your foundation? It starts with an assessment. By necessity it MUST start with a joint by joint, mobility assessment. The benefits of this assessment to YOU the athlete are:

• Know EXACTLY what your weak links are (by the way we all have them) • Use this knowledge to apply laser targeted mobility progressions • More quickly improve your movement competency • Better movement competency means better performance down the road • Identify and correct potential injury drivers such as left/right asymmetries PLUS save time by ditching the non-targeted, shotgun approach to mobility, and improve your warm-up by customising it according to your assessment results! Don’t Guess, Get Assessed, book your mobility assessment today.
How It Works
1. Book a time for a one on one mobility assessment
2. Conduct mobility assessment with a coach
3. Set up mobility profile within WOD medic
4. Upload individualised mobility program from mobility assessment
5. Perform mobility drills daily
6. Move better, lift more, feel good
Cost $50
Includes one on one mobility assessment
Access to WODmedic software program with how to videos etc
Individualised mobility program created from mobility assessment results
To book in your mobility assessment and set up your WODmedic profile text/call Trent  0402 032 042
Mobility Assessment availability time:
Monday 10:30am – 2pm
Tuesday 7am – 2pm
Wednesday 10:30am – 2pm
Thursday 7am – 2pm