This week offers a well-rounded approach with a slightly higher emphasis on Open style conditioning workouts as well as base level strength towards the end of the week with our Bench Press progression + Bench Press.
Power Clean Cluster Sets
14:00 AMRAP, Triplet: Dumbbell Power Cleans + Push-Ups + Air Squats
2x 10:00 AMRAPs with 5:00 Rest: Cal Bike + Burpees to Target + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, Cal Row + Shuttle Run + Wall Walks
Snatch Singles
Back Squat Triplets
Thursday: Upper Body Pressing Emphasis
For Time: 17:00-22:00 Chipper Triplet: Double Unders + Toe to Bar + Deadlifts
This week offers a well-rounded approach with a slightly higher emphasis on Open style conditioning workouts as well as base level strength towards the end of the week with our Bench Press progression + Bench Press.
Monday: Leg Stamina EMOM
20:00 EMOM: Row + American Kettlebell Swings + Echo Bike + Front Rack Step-Ups + Rest
PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #4: 2 Part Workout as a Triplet of Deadlifts + Box Jump Overs + Wall Walks, Rest 1:00 into Triplet of Deadlifts + Box Jumps Overs + Handstand Push-Ups
Accessory Work: Midline Stability + Upper Body Push
Strength/Weightlifting: Bulgarian Split Squat + Push Press
Metcon: 4x500m Row (Aerobic Capacity Builder)
Accessory Work: Full Body Stability and Carries
Focus Areas for the Week:
Weightlifting / Strength:
Monday: High Percentage Squat Snatch + Back Squat Strength
Wednesday: Deadlift + Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
Friday: Tng Clean after Metcon
Sunday: Bulgarian Split Squat + Push Press
Gymnastics Skill / Strength Development:
Wednesday: Pull-Ups
Friday: Toe to Bar Escalating Volume
Saturday: Wall Walk and Handstand Push-Ups
Specific Metcon Focus Points:
Tuesday: 2 Part Workout on 15:00 Clocks / Time Caps for Each Part. Run Focused Conditioning
Metcon: A gymnastics-density triplet combined with overhead walking lunges
Accessory Work: (Included in class) Upper + Lower Body Push
Metcon: A 40:00 “EMOM-ish” session (Every 2:00 x 20 intervals). This should feel more like active recovery and muscular stamina development, keeping athletes moving at a steady, moderate pace.
Accessory Work: Recovery Protocol
PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #1: A couplet of Double Unders and Single Arm Devil’s Press. The focus is on bringing energy and community vibes into the gym.
Accessory / Optional Finisher, Depending on How Classes are Run Today: Upper Body Pressing Accessory + Midline
PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #2: A chipper featuring Wall Balls, Rowing, Pull-Ups, Snatches, and Bar Muscle-Ups. Run this in heats if possible, and consider adding fun “floater” stations or challenges to enhance the community atmosphere.
Accessory Work Upper Body Pulling + Posterior Chain
Strength/Weightlifting: Volume Bench Press
Metcon: Strength and accessory-focused conditioning to round out the week.
Accessory Work: Lats and Triceps
Focus Areas for the Week:
Weightlifting / Strength:
Monday: Back Squat Volume
Tuesday: TnG Power Cleans
Wednesday: Upper Body Accessories (in class)
Sunday: Volume Bench Press
Gymnastics Skill / Strength Development:
Monday: Burpee Pull-Ups
Tuesday: Wall Walks + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Wednesday: Toes-to-Bar + Handstand Push-Ups
Saturday: Pull-Ups + Bar Muscle-Ups
Specific Metcon Focus Points:
Monday: Open-style triplet (Burpee Pull-Ups, Front Squats, Double Unders)
Tuesday: Two 6:00 AMRAPs + Max Cal Echo Bike finisher (simple but tough)
Wednesday: Gymnastics density triplet (Toes-to-Bar, HSPU, Overhead Lunges)
Thursday: 40:00 EMOM (Every 2:00 x 20) steady-state intervals
Friday: PRVN Throwdown #1 (Double Unders + Single Arm Devil’s Press)
We are now entering Week 4 of the PRVN Affiliate Artemis Cycle. The week ahead will be a bit of a minor deload. Nothing major here, just a slight reduction in volume and the opportunity for a touch more recovery between sessions. The goal with this cycle is to have a consistent build and progression throughout the cycle, so this week still has some good touch points and allows us to keep the frequency on the Olympic Lifts as well as our gymnastics pieces as we move through the week. The weekend has a fun and challenging partner workout that will be good for communication and a good little interval feel of a workout, so definitely get ready for that as we move into the New Year.
This week’s big key workout days will be Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Monday and Friday bookend the week with our Olympic lifting progression and Tuesday is a longer Open Style workout that will keep athletes moving and staying at a long steady pace for around that 20:00 time domain of a workout, which puts us smack dab at the top end of where we would expect the Open or Quarterfinals workouts to sit.
Overall it should be a good and fun week to progress and tackle. I hope you thoroughly enjoy the week and Happy Holidays for all those celebrating.
Weightlifting / Strength:
Monday: Clean and Jerk 5×3
Thursday: 5 Bench Press + 50ft Walking Lunges
Friday: 2 Snatch Pull + 2 Snatch
Gymnastics Skill / Strength Development:
Tuesday: Toes to Bar Volume
Thursday: Wall Walk Capacity Work
Friday: Strict Pull-Ups
Sunday: L-Stis and Handstand Holds
Specific Metcon Focus Points:
Monday: 8×2:00 AMRAPs : Capacity Work
Tuesday: High Volume Triplet
Wednesday: Aerobic Capacity and Muscular Endurance
We are now entering Week 3 of the PRVN Affiliate Artemis Cycle. We are using this as the last build week of block 1 which will lead us into a tiny little deload week. We understand that this time of year creates challenges for consistency in the gym, so we are looking to adjust for that and allow athletes to have a week that still has some fun challenges and workouts for the week, but will modulate volume and athletes won’t miss the main progressions we are working towards at the end of this cycle.
For this week we are progressing things forward. This week starts out with a gymnastics density piece that is sure to challenge the grip and forearm stamina. We will then be making our way into our Tuesday workout which will start with Cluster Sets of clusters before moving into a very classic and straight to the point style conditioning workout that is right in line with Open Prep. Our Wednesday workout will move us forward with the Touch N’ Go theme for Power Snatches with a light little priming piece and then moving into running and Power Snatches, which is meant to target our ability to pace and understand the exact loading we will need to go for an unbroken set of 10 Reps at a time. For our newer athletes we will have progressions and ideas for how to keep the stimulus of the workout, keep things fun, and allow us to really just dial in mechanics. Thursday’s workout will progress our 40:00 EMOM piece with the focus on consistency and steady mechanics throughout. This style workout builds tremendous mental strength as well as muscular stamina and endurance. Our Friday workout will have us building our legs and moving forward with some added loads in our Squat progression as well as volume in the conditioning piece with a fair amount of Dumbbell Front Squats.
Saturday we are doing our 12 days of Xmas Running/walking WOD at Kangaroo Point (Captain Burk Park) 7am kick off. There will be no Saturday class at the gym.
We are now entering Week 2 of the Artemis Cycle! We have a good fun week ahead with a nice blend of quality conditioning workouts as well as continuing to progress our strength and Oly work. This week starts things off with our Touch N’ Go Power Clean progression for our Weightlifting / Barbell conditioning stuff and then we will hit our Back Squat volume progression Tuesday, before tackling a strength superset of Deadlift and Bench Press Thursday, then working into some classic Squat Snatch % work from the floor of Friday.
For our conditioning work, we will be tackling a good mixture of Triplets and Couplets, with our 40:00 EMOM workout mid-week to break things up. The front half of the week is targeting that 11-15 minute time domain, then we hit the EMOM before circling around in the back half of the week with some capacity work that targets shorter duration, higher end power output style workouts.
Sunday finishes off the week with a strength targeted workout that hits both absolute strength work and hypertrophy with more of a strength stability targeted superset.
Our key target workouts this week for Open Prep Tuesday’s and Friday’s workouts which target more the style and feel we would expect to hit during the Open and Quarterfinal phases, so pay special attention to the intensity on these two pieces this week.
This week’s Challenge!
3:00 AMRAP
Max Burpees to Target
Target must be 6’’ above reach for the prescribed height
Welcome to ‘Artemis’! The Goddess of the Hunt – because it’s officially the time of year to start hunting down those goals.
This 12* week cycle, broken into two 5 Week Progression Blocks, will be the main portion of our preparation for the CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals. For our Affiliates, these are the two main targets for the year as our nice little fitness check up and for those athletes deciding to test themselves here at this time of year.
During Artemis, we will transition to more specific preparation for the types of workouts and fitness tests typically seen during the Open and Quarterfinals, while keeping our structure well rounded for the general population. We’ve built the base during this previous cycle and now it’s time to take that progress and make sure we learn to apply our new capacities and strengths in our yearly fitness check-up. *Please note the exact length of the cycle will be dependent upon the Open dates being released, which we will know pretty early on in this cycle.
Programming Approach: Our weightlifting work this cycle will be a blend of heavy singles, barbell cycling & battery work, and more moderate loads under fatigue. This mix of approaches will help build our confidence and capacity with every possible application that we see in the Open.
Our powerlifting work will focus primarily around the Back Squat, with much of our other lifting being more volume focused as we again keep our ability to express strength under fatigue front of mind. Our Back Squat will follow an undulating style between targeting 5×5 style lifting sessions and 3-4 x 8-12 lifting sessions to develop more muscular endurance and resiliency heading into the Open.
You will see 2-3 gymnastics skill and capacity sessions under fatigue each week, to help you learn the best strategies and approaches in a variety of workout settings. These will either be solo sessions, mixed modal workouts with the focus on gymnastics density, or in an EMOM format that tackles interference work between multiple components. During these sessions, we will also have skill development options for our Level 1 athletes to ensure we continue to move the needle with our technique.
Lastly, when it comes to our conditioning, you will see a variety of time domains with a high emphasis on threshold efforts – we’re going to go short, moderate, and long week in and week out. You see a continued emphasis placed on our strict gymnastics push and pull capacity, as well. This will be mixed in throughout weeks and a lot specifically targeted in our optional accessory work or finisher style work weekly.
Weightlifting + Strength Programming Goals:
-5RM Power Snatch
-5RM Power Clean
-5RM + 10RM Back Squat
Our challenge for you all is to focus on following RPE guidance with applicable weightlifting pieces, and to learn the hard lessons of what works best for you when it comes to executing workouts and lifts under fatigue. Do not be afraid to adjust percentages slightly based on your capacity with certain movements in these progressions.
Conditioning Work:
We will target multiple previous Open workouts during this phase and workouts with the style and feel that you have become accustomed to throughout the year. We will also target the Specific new “PRVN Benchmarks” that we are working on during our Transition Week as well as Week 1 of the new cycle. Overall these will serve as a good basis and guideline to help progress and monitor training.
*Competitor / Extra Work Monostructural Focus: -1k Row -20:00 FTP Bike Test -Mixed Threshold Work
Big Saturday WOD as we celebrate 15 years of CFC. WOD will kick off at 11am followed by Movember BBQ and drinks. Then later we all head over the the bowlsy (upstairs function area) to kick off the birthday celebrations!!!!
We are now entering our Transition Week before getting into the next cycle. We will have full details on the next cycle up here shortly and develop a good outline and writeup to keep you all updated on the ins and outs of how we will tackle our goals and focuses going into the New Year and transitioning into our Open Prep Phase. This week we have some fun baseline tests that we have created to create a uniform testing protocol to hit year to year that are PRVN specific, that are sure to test you and allow you to have some fun in this week leading into our next cycle. A note that a lot of these tests will give us good benchmarks that specifically target the styles and stimulus that we would see in the Open, so that is the focus and goal of these sessions.
In the States it is Thanksgiving Week, so we will be tackling “Thanksgiving with the Girls” as a fun holiday WOD with a little twist that allows it to be even more like a mixture of the Girls workouts. The adjustment was made to create a touch more of a challenge, a little more specificity to the actual “Girl” workouts and allow athletes of all abilities to tackle this on Thanksgiving and have some fun with it.
Due to the fact that this is a transition week, we don’t have a true strength focus and this week is more geared towards fun full body conditioning sessions and a good little mix of capacity work and well rounded training that will lead us into Week 1 of the next cycle. Our next cycle will be 2 blocks, with 1 deload block in between. The second block is a 5 week block, followed by a deload week leading into the first week of the Open (estimated Open Week 1).