‘The Georgia’

Team WOD (6 teams)

For time

Run 800m
Row 2km (team)
60 Sit ups sync (Partner)
Row 2km (team)
80 Shoulder to overhead 35/25 (Partner share reps)
Row 2km (team)

Run complete as a team row may start as soon as first runner is back
sit ups – partner sync
STOH – partner share reps 1 barbell between 2
Each 2km row may start as soon as a team member is ready

Saturday 6th Partner WOD

Partner WOD

For Time
Buy in 100 wall ball

400m run
25 clean and jerk 50/30
800m run
20 clean and jerk 60/40
1.2 km run
15 clean and jerk 70/50
buy out
100 wall ball

Share reps as needed

Saturday Partner WOD ‘dont drop the bar’

Partner WOD

100 deadlift 60/40
90 hang power clean
80 shoulder to over head
70 front squat

*bar must be passed to each partner. Each time the bar touches the ground perform 10 burpees each. Reps can be split as you like.